Vision & Mission

We envision a society on Earth where raw, whole fruits are the primary sustenance for humans, where clear, accurate, and empathetic communication is intrinsic, where platonic friendships flourish, and where conception and procreation are consciously and joyfully celebrated. A society where natural laws and biology are deeply understood, knowledge continuously expands, the natural environment coexists symbiotically with plants and animals, life is cherished, and health and joy are fully expressed.
To bring this vision to life, we believe it is essential for like-minded individuals to relocate to the tropics, adopt a fruit-based diet, live minimally, and immerse themselves in nature. Planting and caring for fruit trees, while building a network of cooperative communities and projects, is key to manifesting this vision.
Our mission is to serve and support those who are genuinely interested in experiencing raw fruitarianism and eventually creating their fruit forests —individuals who value health, purity, and sobriety, seek to elevate their consciousness, and strive to positively shape the future of our planet. Together, we aim to welcome and celebrate new generations in harmony with this vision.