
Jerry Rukavina
26th October 2024
When I came to visit Ecuador for six weeks I wanted to experience Eco-village culture and tropical permaculture; I have been living on raw fruit for well over a year. Two weeks in to my trip I discovered Fruitarian Eutopia and immediately understood that attending a retreat with Nikolaos would provide me with additional tools and strategies to sustain myself and thrive on raw fruit over the long term.
The retreat is a practical program based on Nikolaos direct experienced practicing fruitarianism for many years. Nikolaos is a gracious host and was readily available to address my needs and to talk; we had many engaging and meaningful discussions using non-violent communication, which I received with warm gratitude.
The intense Amazon jungle, peaceful farm environment providing fresh fruit, comfortable facilities and supportive community all contributed to the retreat’s life affirming principles. My needs and goals were met, my life has been enriched and I feel empowered to continue our ethical, non-violent way of life. Thank you Niko!

Axel Raybaut
25th September 2024
Hello everyone! My stay of a few weeks in FE went very well, I was able to discover everything I wanted to see and experience, and talk with several fruitarians...
Volunteering has been beneficial for me because I've been able to learn about fruit permaculture, and how to become self-sufficient.
What I appreciated most was having all the elements in addition to the raw fruitarian diet, such as sunshine, clean air, pure water and above all the freshness of the fruit picked at FE.
A big thank you to Nikolaos for the person he is and the good times we had together.

Zinion Bordeaux, USA
03rd January 2024
My experience at Fruitarian Utopia was beneficial to my personal dietary goals. I ate so many different varieties of fruits I’ve never eaten before and had a taste of the raw power of fresh picked, land grown, whole fruit. I left with a new-found sense of confidence in myself, thank you Fruitarian Eutopia for bringing about an unforgettable inner change.

Arthur Sherry
24th December 2023
Namaste everybody, my name is Art and I stayed at Fruitarian Eutopia for one month. It was a really magical time for me. I've been a fruitarian for several years but getting to be around other fruitarians in such a magical and mystical environment had been truly amazing for my physical, mental body and spiritual body. I'm really grateful for the community there, They had been so uplifting and encouraging and positive, and it'd really made my stay there just so special. Some delicious and incredible fruits that I'm really grateful that I'd been able to try there were aguaje which I loved and rollinia which it was just delicious. So grateful for the jackfruit it was remarkable, the avocados the tomatoes the papayas such an abundance of delicious nutritious healthy fruits. My body felt so nourished on them. I've never experienced living with fruitarians before, and getting to learn from them and hear about their experiences had really helped me and encouraged me to stay on this path. I plan to do this for the rest of my life. For me, getting to spend the past month in the jungle just surrounded by fruit trees, it had been really soothing and calming for my soul. I felt so at peace there, getting to follow asleep under the stars and listen to the insects and birds. There was a beautiful pool as well which I loved to swim. It was just the most natural and healing pool that I've ever experienced, and I'm truly just so grateful for what Nikolaos has built. He was an amazing Mentor for me, and I'm grateful to have him as a friend. I look forward to returning to Fruitarian Eutopia many times in this lifetime, It had been truly one of the greatest blessings I've ever known!

Jade Ferguson, USA
29th November 2023
My name is Jade and I stayed at Fruitarian Eutopia from the end of January 2023 to mid-May 2023. I stayed both in a room and in a tent. For years, I had envisioned a place like this in the tropics where I felt the following feelings : comfortable, harmonious, balanced, peaceful, healthy, safe, loving, connected, and supported. I feel very content that I decided to travel and stay at Fruitarian Eutopia. I experienced that many of my needs were met and not only were they met, they were met with strategies that in my opinion were healing and pure for my health as a whole (mental, physical, and emotional). When I arrived I was feeling less than optimal yet hopeful for this opportunity to connect with other fruitarians. When I left I felt more peaceful, uplifted, stronger, more confident, and more healthy. I am so thankful that I decided to use my own critical thinking while also using my ears for listening and leave my brain and heart is not completely full. Leaving room for improvement, different perspectives, and room to listen and absorb if chosen to others wisdom and insight gained through their many years of fruitarian experience is something I am so thankful I chose to do. Before arriving, I was feeling cloudy and overwhelmed by all the different perspectives and advice on how to live this and similar lifestyles online and in the media. My need for authenticity and friendship in a community setting was met as I experienced living with a raw fruitarian who stays beautifully disciplined in his morals and lifestyle every day. I feel excited that I left Fruitarian Eutopia with more than I had ever imagined. I was introduced to the philosophy of Non-violent Communication, and reintroduced to the circadian rhythm and OMAD (one meal a day). I hope that others, only those who truly believe in the core values of Fruitarian Eutopia, consider this Eutopia for their healing retreat, or long term stay, and to take the necessary step towards it with faith, fearlessness, and strength.
Love, Jade.

Oliwia Korzeniowska, UK
02nd April 2023
"I am so genuinely grateful for the experience that Nikolaos has allowed me to have, because it was genuinely life changing in so many ways. He has showed me that the life I've always dreamed of, is truly possible and I never imagined that I'd see the day where I'd feel as much happiness and peace, as I have felt at Fruitarian Eutopia.
His goal was to create a home for himself, but Nikolaos has also created a Sanctuary, a real Heaven on Earth, for others and I really am so so so grateful that he decided to share it. Thank you so much for everything once again. ❤️"

Roberto Crespo, GUATEMALA
07th February 2023
"For me it was one of the most interesting experiences of my life.
Niko is a very kind person. He is always ready to answer any questions about food
about health, about anything according to his experience. He doesnt want to convince you.
He only shows you what works for him. You can take it or not, that's all. It was great!"

Amanda Wolgermuth, USA
01st January 2023
"Attending the 30 Day Fruitarian and Fasting Retreat was an incredible catalyst for attracting positivity into my life. As my senses became clear, and distractions melted away, I was able to rediscover my passions and my authentic self emerged. I was able to embrace change and new information in ways that I'd only ever imagined. This experience has been life altering, and for that I will be forever grateful. Between the consistent energy and connectedness I've felt during my time here, I simply couldn't recommend it highly enough!"