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Fruitarian Diet
(raw, whole, unprocessed)

Fruit Picking

A fruitarian diet usually is a philosophical & biological choice of eating fruits.  Fruit is the mature ovary of the plant that typically contains its seed. Most fruits contain an edible fleshy part around the potential seed. This fleshy part has often aroma, colour & taste to appeal to animals senses to serve as food for them. In return, animals typically disperse the seeds as part of a mutual and symbiotic exchange. Only this ripe edible flesh has as primary biological role to serve as food, therefore this is the substance consumed for energy & nutrients on a fruitarian diet.

Following a fruitarian diet, usually someone acknowledges the primary biological role of:

— The seed (alive dormant embryo) that is to grow as a future plant.

— The root that is for nutrient absorption & communication of the plant

— The tuber that is for energy storage for the future offspring plants 

— The trunk and stem that is for stability and nutrient transportation. 

— The green leaf that is for photosynthesis/energy generation.

— The flower that is for conception & procreation of the plant.

All the above plant structures as they do not have as primary role to serve as food to animals, they contain toxic chemicals & antinutrients in their raw state to avoid being eaten. 

A fruitarian diet promotes wellbeing as the ripe fleshy part around the seeds contains the least amount of toxins, while it contains nutritional elements & water.

It includes the edible ripe flesh of (+)

— Carby fruits: e.g. banana, fig, apple, mango, jackfruit, durian etc

— Fatty fruits: e.g. olive, avocado, aguage, ackee etc

— “Vegetable” fruits: e.g. tomato, cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin etc

It excludes (-)
Nuts & seeds (including coconuts), cereal grains, pulses, roots, tubers, leaves, barks, flowers, sprouts, mushrooms/fungi, algae/seaweed, animal flesh & secretions (Inc honey). Seafood, insects, worms, Excludes also salt, spices & herbs etc.

When it is a whole, raw, unprocessed it also excludes: dehydrated fruits,  (unless tree ripened and mild sun-dried on the tree), cooked/burned fruit, blended & frozen fruits (smoothies & nice creams) & juices through juicers (*unless bare hand pressed & occasional),

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