Platonic Friendships & Procreation
The main primary biological role of the sexual/reproductive organs, is for conception & procreation. When the primary focus swifts to pleasure, recreation & bonding instead of procreation, imbalances can arise on mental, emotional & physical state.
Platonic friendships are highly encouraged. Warm deep connections, cooperation, support, equality, respect, individuality, autonomy & personal boundaries are valued.
Platonic friendships can also be supportive for the long term fruitarian lifestyle. Nutrients, hormones & bodily fluids can be retained & recycled within the body, while nourishing & strengthening it.
The cross exchange of body fluids, of genital microbiomes, immune reactions & infections can be prevented.
The nervous system hyperstimulation, followed by fatigue (post-orgasmic illness syndrome) can be avoided.
Procreation consciousness is also encouraged. Sexual interactions are supported, when there is clear intention for immediate conception & procreation.
While someone stays at Fruitarian Eutopia, we require abstinence of sexual interactions.